Check Point: Artificial Intelligence in Managed Incident Response HD

Check Point: Artificial Intelligence in Managed Incident Response
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Компания Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. — мировой поставщик решений в области обеспечения интернет-безопасности, единственный поставщик средств обеспечения полной безопасности Total Security для сетей, данных и конечных узлов, объединенных единой средой управления.

Artificial Intelligence in Managed Incident Response.

The presentation is focused on the Managed Incident Response 5.(MIR) and it will be based on the case studies of our two award-winning** customer projects, ITC and GSTN. We have successfully executed & extended the Sandblast Solution to this storyline of Managed Incident Response (much before Cisco launched their solution of MDR) by integrating solutions with our in-house (QOS Technology’s Intellectual Property) Machine Learning based platform.
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