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Check Point Software Technologies, Ltd. 360 роликов
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More information: Report: IDC Technology Spotlight: Why Comprehensive Security Requires Mobile Threat Prevention: Protecting Your Enterprise From Mobile Threats (Japanese Subtitles)Keeping your business safe from cyberattacks is no easy task, and the increased use of personal smartphones and tablets in the workplace has made it even harder. Cybertheives know your employees are often the weakest link in your organizationÛªs security. With a single attack, these criminals can get inside operating systems, networks, and apps to take, monitor, or even change sensitive business data. The best defense against these attacks is a comprehensive mobile security solution that protects you against all three major vectors of attack. Watch this video to learn more about how Mobile Threat Prevention can keep mobile devices and data protected from cybercrime. Transcript:Criminals, hacktivists and hostile governments can take over unsecured smartphones and tablets and steal sensitive data using three attack vectors:They exploit operating system vulnerabilities.They use malware and remote access Trojans.And they hijack connections to Wi-Fi hot spots.Enterprise Mobile Management helps control devices, but it canÛªt protect them from constant, sophisticated attacks. Mobile Threat Prevention is the only solution that stops threats across all three attack vectors. Its broad detection capabilities give it the industryÛªs highest threat catch rate and adds a critical security layer to existing EMM solutions.The Mobile Threat Prevention app for iOS and Android sends data about devices, apps, and networks to a cloud-based engine that measures risks and mitigates threats.The engine uses behavioral analysis techniques to instantly and accurately identify advanced mobile threats, such as XCodeGhost and Brain Test.It analyzes apps to pinpoint suspicious code and behaviors.And it detects device- and network-based threats by identifying patterns like malicious command and control behaviors.Mobile Threat Prevention quarantines compromised devices until threats are eliminated.Its cloud-based management console provides full visibility into an organizationÛªs mobile threat landscape and makes policy management easy.Admins can see how many and what kinds of threats theyÛªre up against, which devices are affected and use that information to take immediate action to keep devices, data and the business protected.Contact us today to set up a free trial of Mobile Threat Prevention. Stay one step ahead with.
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