SkladcomTV: LEWCO Conveyor Belt Tension and Tracking, SkladcomTV: Конвейерные системы

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SkladcomTV: Конвейерные системы
SkladcomTV 5 роликов
LEWCO Conveyor Belt Tension and Tracking.
This video will show you all the steps to achieving the right amount of belt tension and how to properly track your conveyor belt. It requires patience, but you will end up with a great running belt conveyor system. Our expert makes it easy to follow all the steps.
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Where they bought a new conveyor table. About 6 foot by 4 foot and boy it make i noise and one side of it the belt is all jacked up where they did adjust it right or was in a rush. Now it makes this like ear deafening screech ever now and then. They said it was the best that they could it. It only 3 months old… my point is this I may show them this video… lol