Реальная альтернатива микросервисам HD

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Максим Смирнов 47 роликов
103 просмотра на сайте 12n.ru
Реальная альтернатива микросервисам.
Подробности и регистрация:
Слайды будут размещены в tg-канале:
Мои курсы:
«Микросервисная архитектура»:
«Мастерская проектирования ИТ-решений»:
«Модели корпоративной архитектуры. TOGAF10 и Archimate 3.2»:
[1] Microservices a definition of this new architectural term
[2] Software Architecture Monday.
[3] Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based
Software Architectures
[4] The Citadel Architecture at AppSignal
[5] Modular Monolith: Is This the Trend in Software Architecture?
[6] Introducing Service Weaver: A Framework for Writing Distributed Applications
[7] Towards Modern Development of Cloud Applications
[8] Calm down about Service Weaver
[9] State of Infrastructure-from-Code 2023
[10] Infrastructure from Code Comparison
Слайды будут размещены в tg-канале:
Мои курсы:
«Микросервисная архитектура»:
«Мастерская проектирования ИТ-решений»:
«Модели корпоративной архитектуры. TOGAF10 и Archimate 3.2»:
[1] Microservices a definition of this new architectural term
[2] Software Architecture Monday.
[3] Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based
Software Architectures
[4] The Citadel Architecture at AppSignal
[5] Modular Monolith: Is This the Trend in Software Architecture?
[6] Introducing Service Weaver: A Framework for Writing Distributed Applications
[7] Towards Modern Development of Cloud Applications
[8] Calm down about Service Weaver
[9] State of Infrastructure-from-Code 2023
[10] Infrastructure from Code Comparison
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