DATA MINER: Isabelle Robrechts - Test Metrics – a thread or a threat HD

DATA MINER: Isabelle Robrechts - Test Metrics – a thread or a threat
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DATA MINER 239 роликов

DATA MINER LABS - международная компания по обучению, которая специализируется в области Business Intelligence, Data Analytics & Data Mining.

Isabelle Robrechts - Test Metrics – a thread or a threat.

TestCon Vilnius 2016. Software Testing & QA Conference. October 21, 2016 | How can we manage quality? How can we reach the top in Quality? How do metrics fit in that picture?In this talk, the practical guidance will be provided and personal experiences will be shared on the process improvement tracks based on metrics in order to make a step upwards in finding the top in Quality. By comparing key metrics used in two different software development lifecycle models, it will be explained why metrics are useful and how can they be a thread for improvement instead of a treat.
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