DATA MINER: Gary Hallam - Transforming Test Data Delivery for Shift Left Automation (Closing Keynote, DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 HD

DATA MINER: Gary Hallam - Transforming Test Data Delivery for Shift Left Automation (Closing Keynote
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  1. DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 summary

    DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 summary

    DATA MINER 00:00:39
  2. DATA MINER: Anastasia Aseeva - Rubber cluster for dynamic selenium grid (Opening Keynote)

    DATA MINER: Anastasia Aseeva - Rubber cluster for dynamic selenium grid (Opening Keynote)

    DATA MINER 00:44:36
  3. DATA MINER: Stephen Janaway - Why I Lost My Job As a Test Manager and What I’ve Learnt As a Result

    DATA MINER: Stephen Janaway - Why I Lost My Job As a Test Manager and What I’ve Learnt As a Result

    DATA MINER 00:30:54
  4. DATA MINER: Mark Fewster - Equivalence Partitioning & Boundary Value Analysis: Old Hat or Cutting Ed

    DATA MINER: Mark Fewster - Equivalence Partitioning & Boundary Value Analysis: Old Hat or Cutting Ed

    DATA MINER 00:38:28
  5. DATA MINER: Baris Sarialioglu - Usability Testing is not Rocket Science!

    DATA MINER: Baris Sarialioglu - Usability Testing is not Rocket Science!

    DATA MINER 00:41:50
  6. DATA MINER: Lilia Sapurina - Development of automated test system from scratch

    DATA MINER: Lilia Sapurina - Development of automated test system from scratch

    DATA MINER 00:32:35
  7. DATA MINER: Lucian Adrian Stroie - Cynefin and Test Planning – an Option for Choosing the Right Test

    DATA MINER: Lucian Adrian Stroie - Cynefin and Test Planning – an Option for Choosing the Right Test

    DATA MINER 00:28:30
  8. DATA MINER: Michael Palotas - Selenium Grid

    DATA MINER: Michael Palotas - Selenium Grid

    DATA MINER 00:39:39
  9. DATA MINER: Aleksandr Meshkov - Risk-based test effort management

    DATA MINER: Aleksandr Meshkov - Risk-based test effort management

    DATA MINER 00:32:24
  10. DATA MINER: Gary Hallam - Transforming Test Data Delivery for Shift Left Automation (Closing Keynote

    DATA MINER: Gary Hallam - Transforming Test Data Delivery for Shift Left Automation (Closing Keynote

    DATA MINER 00:37:12
  11. DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 trailer

    DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 trailer

    DATA MINER 00:00:14
  12. DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 trailer 2

    DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 trailer 2

    DATA MINER 00:00:06
  13. DATA MINER: Tamir Dresher - Testing and Time and Concurrency With Rx.NET Schedulers

    DATA MINER: Tamir Dresher - Testing and Time and Concurrency With Rx.NET Schedulers

    DATA MINER 00:38:26
  14. DATA MINER: Roman Soroka - Testing games

    DATA MINER: Roman Soroka - Testing games

    DATA MINER 00:37:11
  15. DATA MINER: Dzmitry Humianiuk - – how make AI analyze your test automation reports?

    DATA MINER: Dzmitry Humianiuk - – how make AI analyze your test automation reports?

    DATA MINER 00:41:24
  16. DATA MINER: Alexei Vinogradov - KISS PageObjects

    DATA MINER: Alexei Vinogradov - KISS PageObjects

    DATA MINER 00:37:29
  17. DATA MINER: Andrei Contan - Getting started with Rest APIs

    DATA MINER: Andrei Contan - Getting started with Rest APIs

    DATA MINER 00:31:55
  18. DATA MINER: Gualtiero Bazzana - ISTQB(r): the New Product Portfolio and Results from Worldwide Surve

    DATA MINER: Gualtiero Bazzana - ISTQB(r): the New Product Portfolio and Results from Worldwide Surve

    DATA MINER 00:28:56
  19. DATA MINER: Aleksander Alekseev & Anastasia Lubennikova - Quality assurance in PostgreSQL

    DATA MINER: Aleksander Alekseev & Anastasia Lubennikova - Quality assurance in PostgreSQL

    DATA MINER 00:26:34
  20. DATA MINER: Vadim Zubovich - Living on crotches or UI Automation antipatterns

    DATA MINER: Vadim Zubovich - Living on crotches or UI Automation antipatterns

    DATA MINER 00:31:35
  21. DATA MINER: Ilari Henrik Aegerter - No Such Thing as Manual Testing and Other Confusions

    DATA MINER: Ilari Henrik Aegerter - No Such Thing as Manual Testing and Other Confusions

    DATA MINER 01:47:50
  22. DATA MINER: Nicolae Oprean - Code Review for Test Automation

    DATA MINER: Nicolae Oprean - Code Review for Test Automation

    DATA MINER 00:32:51
  23. DATA MINER: Adam Carmi - Advanced Test Automation Techniques for Responsive Apps and Sites

    DATA MINER: Adam Carmi - Advanced Test Automation Techniques for Responsive Apps and Sites

    DATA MINER 00:37:00

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DATA MINER LABS - международная компания по обучению, которая специализируется в области Business Intelligence, Data Analytics & Data Mining.

Gary Hallam - Transforming Test Data Delivery for Shift Left Automation (Closing Keynote.

TestCon Moscow 2017 Conference, April 27. Leveraging innovative technology that transforms the way that test data is provisioned and managed. How to provision multi-terabyte datasets in minutes, breaking the laws of physics and providing self-service data refresh, rewind, bookmark, share, branch and version data. Placing secured and masked production data in the hands of your developers and testers with minimum infrastructure.
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