DATA MINER: Stephen Janaway - Why I Lost My Job As a Test Manager and What I’ve Learnt As a Result, DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 HD

DATA MINER: Stephen Janaway - Why I Lost My Job As a Test Manager and What I’ve Learnt As a Result
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  1. DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 summary

    DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 summary

    DATA MINER 00:00:39
  2. DATA MINER: Anastasia Aseeva - Rubber cluster for dynamic selenium grid (Opening Keynote)

    DATA MINER: Anastasia Aseeva - Rubber cluster for dynamic selenium grid (Opening Keynote)

    DATA MINER 00:44:36
  3. DATA MINER: Stephen Janaway - Why I Lost My Job As a Test Manager and What I’ve Learnt As a Result

    DATA MINER: Stephen Janaway - Why I Lost My Job As a Test Manager and What I’ve Learnt As a Result

    DATA MINER 00:30:54
  4. DATA MINER: Mark Fewster - Equivalence Partitioning & Boundary Value Analysis: Old Hat or Cutting Ed

    DATA MINER: Mark Fewster - Equivalence Partitioning & Boundary Value Analysis: Old Hat or Cutting Ed

    DATA MINER 00:38:28
  5. DATA MINER: Baris Sarialioglu - Usability Testing is not Rocket Science!

    DATA MINER: Baris Sarialioglu - Usability Testing is not Rocket Science!

    DATA MINER 00:41:50
  6. DATA MINER: Lilia Sapurina - Development of automated test system from scratch

    DATA MINER: Lilia Sapurina - Development of automated test system from scratch

    DATA MINER 00:32:35
  7. DATA MINER: Lucian Adrian Stroie - Cynefin and Test Planning – an Option for Choosing the Right Test

    DATA MINER: Lucian Adrian Stroie - Cynefin and Test Planning – an Option for Choosing the Right Test

    DATA MINER 00:28:30
  8. DATA MINER: Michael Palotas - Selenium Grid

    DATA MINER: Michael Palotas - Selenium Grid

    DATA MINER 00:39:39
  9. DATA MINER: Aleksandr Meshkov - Risk-based test effort management

    DATA MINER: Aleksandr Meshkov - Risk-based test effort management

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  10. DATA MINER: Gary Hallam - Transforming Test Data Delivery for Shift Left Automation (Closing Keynote

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  11. DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 trailer

    DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 trailer

    DATA MINER 00:00:14
  12. DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 trailer 2

    DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 trailer 2

    DATA MINER 00:00:06
  13. DATA MINER: Tamir Dresher - Testing and Time and Concurrency With Rx.NET Schedulers

    DATA MINER: Tamir Dresher - Testing and Time and Concurrency With Rx.NET Schedulers

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  14. DATA MINER: Roman Soroka - Testing games

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    DATA MINER 00:37:11
  15. DATA MINER: Dzmitry Humianiuk - – how make AI analyze your test automation reports?

    DATA MINER: Dzmitry Humianiuk - – how make AI analyze your test automation reports?

    DATA MINER 00:41:24
  16. DATA MINER: Alexei Vinogradov - KISS PageObjects

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  17. DATA MINER: Andrei Contan - Getting started with Rest APIs

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  18. DATA MINER: Gualtiero Bazzana - ISTQB(r): the New Product Portfolio and Results from Worldwide Surve

    DATA MINER: Gualtiero Bazzana - ISTQB(r): the New Product Portfolio and Results from Worldwide Surve

    DATA MINER 00:28:56
  19. DATA MINER: Aleksander Alekseev & Anastasia Lubennikova - Quality assurance in PostgreSQL

    DATA MINER: Aleksander Alekseev & Anastasia Lubennikova - Quality assurance in PostgreSQL

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  20. DATA MINER: Vadim Zubovich - Living on crotches or UI Automation antipatterns

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  21. DATA MINER: Ilari Henrik Aegerter - No Such Thing as Manual Testing and Other Confusions

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  22. DATA MINER: Nicolae Oprean - Code Review for Test Automation

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  23. DATA MINER: Adam Carmi - Advanced Test Automation Techniques for Responsive Apps and Sites

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    DATA MINER 00:37:00

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DATA MINER LABS - международная компания по обучению, которая специализируется в области Business Intelligence, Data Analytics & Data Mining.

Stephen Janaway - Why I Lost My Job As a Test Manager and What I’ve Learnt As a Result.

TestCon Moscow 2017 Conference, April 27.This presentation aims to present a view of test management that I think fits with the software development methodologies and team structures that we typically see in IT today. 

It will use my personal experiences to explain why I think discipline based management is no longer relevant or required, and how Test Managers need to adapt to the new world of cross-functional, agile teams and continuous delivery.

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