​Renga BIM: BIM-technology: Triad of Renga - видео HD

​Renga BIM: BIM-technology: Triad of Renga - видео
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Renga BIM 196 роликов

Канал Renga Software (Ренга Софтвэа), российского разработчика BIM-системы для архитектурно-строительного и инженерного проектирования.

BIM-technology: Triad of Renga - видео.

Renga: Architecture | Structure | MEP

* General points in terms of Renga Architecture
** Base tools in 3D
*** 3D view and navigation
*** forming-up from objects: wall, column, beam, foundation, floor
*** styles of column and beam
*** styles of window and door
*** other model components
*** levels
*** visual styles
** Project Explorer
*** levels
*** sections
*** elevations
*** schedules and tables
*** assemblies
*** drawings
** More options in 3D
*** object properties
*** import as element
*** import from IFC
*** filters
*** saving, export and print of view
* Tools of Renga Structure
** automated parametric reinforcement of
*** wall
*** column
*** floor
*** beam
*** foundation
*** around floor and wall opening
*** in wall connection
** reinforcing cages and meshes
** manual rebar
** view of reinforcement in drawing
** metall profiles
* Renga MEP — soon
* Models in Renga

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