АСУ ТП: KasperskyOS, a platform for the comprehensive protection of vertically integrated ICS - виде HD

АСУ ТП: KasperskyOS, a platform for the comprehensive protection of vertically integrated ICS - виде
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KasperskyOS, a platform for the comprehensive protection of vertically integrated ICS - виде.

During his talk at Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity Conference 2019 Alexander Shadrin, Software Expert, Kaspersky, shares some technical details of KasperskyOS development, explains benefits of Kaspersky Security Hypervisor and how secured-by-design systems can provide better protection for ICS. 

Watch the slides: https://ics.kaspersky.com/media/ics-conference-201... Learn more: https://ics.kaspersky.com/conference/ #KasperskyICS #ICS #kaspersky #cybersecurity #ITsecurity

Awesome Report!
Manuel Arturo Silvermann
02:55 (отредактировано)
Best Regards