Коммуникации, голосовые технологии, мессенджеры, боты
3iTech: AI in action. 3iTech experience - видео
3iTech. Innovations. Information. Intelligence 3iTech is a company that sets new standards in the field of exceptional customer experience. We analyze 100% of customer interactions across all channels of organization. We provide comprehensi...
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Voximplant: Skyeng x Voximplant - Automated Notifications for Students and Teachers - видео
Skyeng звонит клиентам, которые оставили на сайте заявку на изучение английского языка. С внедрением модулей Voximplant все звонки проходят через браузер, более того, процесс дозвона и сбора статистики автоматизирован. Все разговоры со...
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Voximplant: Communications Trends for Food on-demand 2020 - видео
We are happy to invite you to our free webinar to discuss Communications Trends for Food on-demand 2020 Food on-demand & delivery businesses use cloud communications or CPaaS to unify and automate communications between their ecosystem...
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Voximplant: How to deploy Omnichannel Cloud Contact Center within 20 minutes? - видео
On the webinar we will show how to create omnichannel cloud center just within 20 mins and you’ll learn all the critical points you should know us as a technical person. Save you time and company’s money! Andrey Iskoskov, Voximplant S...
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voximplant: Crea chat bots conversacionales con Dialogflow de Google que respondan tus llamadas - We
Crea chat bots conversacionales con Dialogflow de Google que respondan tus llamadas - Webinar Junio 2020
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voximplant: Welcome to the Voximplant Kit. Let's get acquainted with the service and its capabilitie
Voximplant Kit is a visual builder for call management. It does not require any programming skills and allows businesses to configure complex scenarios for inbound and outbound calls, connect virtual assistants and integrate telephony with...
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voximplant: ¿Qué es el protocolo SIP? Explicación fácil
En este video aprenderemos sobre el protocolo SIP en palabras sencillas, sus aplicaciones y cómo se usa en la actualidad en un sistema de comunicaciones moderno. El protocolo SIP es una manera muy eficiente de actualizar tu sistema antiguo...
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voximplant: Cómo funciona la TELEFONÍA Móvil y Fija ☎
En este video aprenderemos un poco de historia de la telefonía en sus más de 100 años de existencia y algunos hitos que han permitido el desarrollo de los sistemas de telefonía actuales, todo para llevarnos a una visión del futuro cercano d...
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voximplant: Overview Voximplant - Conceptos Básicos
Aprende sobre como está estructurado Voximplant como plataforma unificada de comunicaciones en la nube. Explicamos el concepto de Aplicaciones, Usuarios, Colas, Skills, Marcador Predictivo (Call Lists) e integraciones. Si requieres soport...
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voximplant: Cómo configurar un IVR en Smartcalls en 5 minutos!
Aprende como configurar un IVR en Smartcalls en minutos. Puedes crear una cuenta de Smartcalls gratis aqui Si necesitas soporte 24/7 puedes ponerte en contacto con nuestro equipo en
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voximplant: Historial de llamadas en Smartcalls
Aprende como revisar el historial de llamadas entrantes y salientes en Smartcalls. Si necesitas apoyo contacta con el equipo de soporte de Voximplant aqui Crea una cuenta gratis en Voximplant Kit para crear un IVR en la ...
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voximplant: What is Smartcalls? - Voximplant
What is Smartcalls? Smartcalls is an easy to use web-based graphic interface for programming your contact center and automated calls. If you need any informatión check Smartcalls info website here
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voximplant: Redireccionar llamadas entrantes a tu número empresarial con un IVR de voz
En este video explico, de que manera puedes automatizar la recepción de llamadas en tu compañía o call center. Crea un IVR de voz en minutos y compra números de teléfono en más de 180 países usando Smartcalls. Smartcalls es una herramient...
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voximplant: Voximplant Workshop "Traditional development vs visual programming in CPaaS"
Voximplant Workshop "Traditional development vs visual programming in CPaaS", APIdays Amsterdam, June 19th On the example of developing Smart IVR empowered by serverless capabilities of Voximplant and natural language processing of Dialogf...
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voximplant: Alexey Aylarov about Voximplant
Voximplant – JavaScript-first telephony and video cloud platform. Our cloud application engine provides developers with a way to control every call leg using JavaScript logic. Voximplant allows embedding business logic in JavaScript scenari...
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voximplant: Crea un BOT de voz en 2 minutos con Dialogflow y Voximplant
Aprenda a crear un robot de voz en funcionamiento en menos de 2 minutos. Utilizando Dialogflow y Voximplant.
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voximplant: Create a Voicebot in 2 minutes using Dialogflow and Voximplant
Learn how to create a working voice bot in less than 2 minutes. Using Dialogflow and Voximplant.
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voximplant: Smartcalls - IVR y Call center en la Nube fácil de usar
Voximplant – JavaScript-first telephony and video cloud platform. Our cloud application engine provides developers with a way to control every call leg using JavaScript logic. Voximplant allows embedding business logic in JavaScript sc...
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voximplant: Enabling Rapid Business Expansion with Cloud Communications
Fikri Firat – Product Manager of Strategic Products, Voxbone How consumers communicate with businesses is changing at a pace we’ve never seen before. However, the fact that voice is still the most preferred means of such an interaction pro...
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Dialogflow Connector enables businesses to integrate telephony with an ML-powered backend built with Google Dialogflow. Reach a new level of customer service and automation.
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voximplant: Smartcalls
Smartcalls is a smart and flexible tool that helps you create outbound call campaigns in no time. More info:
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Voximplant – JavaScript-first telephony and video cloud platform. Our cloud application engine provides developers with a way to control every call leg using JavaScript logic. Voximplant allows embedding business logic in JavaScript scenari...
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TSAHI LEVENT-LEVI, BLOGGEEK.ME WebRTC is a new method enabling voice and video communication inside the browser. It is only 6 years old, but is already powering the biggest VoIP networks. In this session, Tsahi will explain the opportuniti...
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voximplant: Video call between two browsers: a WebRTC introduction (Workshop)
Recorded workshop from AngularCamp Barcelona (July 6th-7th). Website:
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