GroupIB: Group-IB Bot-Trek | Botnet Monitoring and Cyber Intelligence HD

GroupIB: Group-IB Bot-Trek | Botnet Monitoring and Cyber Intelligence
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F.A.С.С.T.(Group-IB) 154 ролика

F.A.С.С.T. — российский разработчик технологий для борьбы с киберпреступлениями, решений для предотвращения кибератак, выявления мошенничества, исследования киберпреступности и защиты интеллектуальной собственности в сети.

Group-IB Bot-Trek | Botnet Monitoring and Cyber Intelligence.

Group-IB Bot-Trek™ is a real-time botnet and cyber intelligence service that provides a direct access to compromised data and helps to prevent fraud.Bot-Trek™ gathers compromised data and intelligence from botnets and computer underground and makes it available to the original Intellectual Property owners via a SaaS solution. Bot-Trek™ provides a real-time feed with following types of data:* E-banking logins/passwords/OTPs;* Leaked credit cards information;* Money mules information for fraud prevention;* Compromised IP-addresses;* Socks-, spam- and DDoS-bots IP-addresses;* Data leaked from corporate domains or IP-ranges (e.g. corporate e-mail accounts, intranets, etc.).
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