CNET: Red Dead Redemption 2 review HD

CNET: Red Dead Redemption 2 review
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CNET 53 ролика

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Check out Jeff's full, detailed review on CNET:
Brandon Bird
The biggest thing he misses is the game actually pushes you through the story pretty consistently ,, everything he explains is just common to red dead ,, the simple things,,, the thing is most players don’t feel like freeroaming or exploring endlessly in this game until the story catches up with your camp being solid and an actual base to go back too,, it’s actually grueling ,, they coulda done better at calming the story down while u do side stuff
I really really really wanted this game to be awesome. I was disappointed.
I play about 3-6 hours a day lol since its release! Taking my time. I'm very impressed by tracking progress 45% done and a shit load of things to still do.
Found U Lennnyyy!!!
David Gutierrez
1:26 mmm
Ron Secord
I have played this game and beat the story mode. My game completion is at 90%. Is a good game with lots of details however i still think the best story i have played was «The Last of Us» also still one of the best looking console games to date considering it was released as a ps3 console game.
Scary Hours
Lol they over exaggerate when they say this game is super long, its not that long at all. Its pretty much as long as playing God of War and doing all the side quests.
Izz. Lva
Man if some o'driscolls stop and tell me anything I shot em on sight with dead eye. None of this diffusing shit
Its aggravating seeing these people review the game and they havent even finished the story.