DATA MINER: Roland van Leusden - Performance Testing and Big Data HD

DATA MINER: Roland van Leusden - Performance Testing and Big Data
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DATA MINER 239 роликов

DATA MINER LABS - международная компания по обучению, которая специализируется в области Business Intelligence, Data Analytics & Data Mining.

Roland van Leusden - Performance Testing and Big Data.

TestCon Vilnius 2016. Software Testing & QA Conference. October 21, 2016 | Agile, Continous Intergration, DevOps, Big data are not longer buzzwords but part of the day today process of everyone working in software development and delivery. To cope with applications that need to be deployed in production almost the same moment they were created, software development has changed, impacting the way of working for everyone in the team. In this talk, Roland will discuss the challenges performance testers face with Big Data applications and how Architecture, Agile, Continous Intergration and DevOps come together to create solutions.
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