DATA MINER: Maria Gorelkina - How to build Mobile DevOps for X-plat applications HD

DATA MINER: Maria Gorelkina - How to build Mobile DevOps for X-plat applications
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Maria Gorelkina - How to build Mobile DevOps for X-plat applications.

DevOps Pro Moscow 2016 — Conference for Developers and IT Professionals.November 15, 2016 | How to enable mobile devops practices for your iOS, Android, UWP, and hybrid applications using variety of tools to accelerate quality, speed, and stability – delighting customers. Session will cover continuous integration, continuous deployment, automated testing, user telemetry, crash/performance instrumentation, and even automated releases to the Google and Apple app stores. Some of the tools included will be Xamarin, Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), Perfecto Mobile, HockeyApp,, and CodePush.
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