IQBI: The Microsoft Office app – Word, Excel, PowerPoint & more - видео HD

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The Microsoft Office app – Word, Excel, PowerPoint & more - видео.
The new Office mobile app—designed to be your go-to app for getting work done on a mobile device—is now available for anyone to download on Android and iOS. The Office app combines the Word, Excel, and PowerPoint apps you know and rely on, with new capabilities that harness the unique strengths of a phone to create a simpler, yet more powerful Office experience on the go.
Whether using it for personal or professional reasons, the Office app is designed to be your go-to app for getting work done on a mobile device.
-Key Features-
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint combined in one app:
• The most widely used tools for working with documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, all from a single app.
• Create, edit, and work together on Office documents with others in real-time.
• Use templates to easily get started with your resume, budget, presentations, and other documents.
• Easily store, access, and search for Word, Excel, PowerPoint files stored in your personal cloud storage, on your device, or across your organization (if using a work account).
Uniquely mobile ways that make document creation easier:
• Snap a picture of a document and turn it into an editable Word file with the press of a button.
• Transform a picture of a table into an Excel spreadsheet so you can work with the data.
• Let PowerPoint help you design a presentation by simply selecting the pictures you want to use from your phone.
• Create automatically enhanced digital images of whiteboards and documents with Office Lens features integrated into the app.
Quickly perform common mobile tasks with in-built Actions:
• Instantly create PDFs from photos or Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents.
• Easily transfer files between your phone and computer or share instantly with nearby mobile devices.
• Sign PDFs using your finger.
• Quickly jot down ideas and notes with Sticky Notes.
• Scan QR codes to open links.
Anyone can download the Office app for free and start using it right away. Access and save documents to the cloud by connecting with a Microsoft Account (for OneDrive or SharePoint) or by connecting to a third-party cloud storage provider. Logging in with a personal, work, or school Microsoft Account connected to an Office 365 subscription will unlock premium features within the app.
Learn more:
Get started with the Office mobile app:
•Download for iOS:
•Download for Android:
Whether using it for personal or professional reasons, the Office app is designed to be your go-to app for getting work done on a mobile device.
-Key Features-
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint combined in one app:
• The most widely used tools for working with documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, all from a single app.
• Create, edit, and work together on Office documents with others in real-time.
• Use templates to easily get started with your resume, budget, presentations, and other documents.
• Easily store, access, and search for Word, Excel, PowerPoint files stored in your personal cloud storage, on your device, or across your organization (if using a work account).
Uniquely mobile ways that make document creation easier:
• Snap a picture of a document and turn it into an editable Word file with the press of a button.
• Transform a picture of a table into an Excel spreadsheet so you can work with the data.
• Let PowerPoint help you design a presentation by simply selecting the pictures you want to use from your phone.
• Create automatically enhanced digital images of whiteboards and documents with Office Lens features integrated into the app.
Quickly perform common mobile tasks with in-built Actions:
• Instantly create PDFs from photos or Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents.
• Easily transfer files between your phone and computer or share instantly with nearby mobile devices.
• Sign PDFs using your finger.
• Quickly jot down ideas and notes with Sticky Notes.
• Scan QR codes to open links.
Anyone can download the Office app for free and start using it right away. Access and save documents to the cloud by connecting with a Microsoft Account (for OneDrive or SharePoint) or by connecting to a third-party cloud storage provider. Logging in with a personal, work, or school Microsoft Account connected to an Office 365 subscription will unlock premium features within the app.
Learn more:
Get started with the Office mobile app:
•Download for iOS:
•Download for Android:
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Lettre à GOOGLE, MICROSOFT, YAHOO, FACEBOOK ,APPLE, et tous les sites annonceurs…
Vous devez respecter la liberté de chacun.
Vous ne devez pas nous empêcher de lire ou chercher ce qu’on désire
Vous n’avez pas le droit de disposer comme bon vous semble nos données personnelles.
Nous sommes heureux de vous écrire pour vous remercier de vos services pour nous et pour tous les utilisateurs
Depuis le début de vos activités, nous sommes toujours restés fidèles à Vous. Il n'y a aucune raison de changer.
Cependant, ces derniers temps, depuis que vous avez introduit une autre politique COOKIES omniprésents sur Internet, cela a complètement changé nos sentiments à votre égard.
Cette façon agressive de COOKIES que nous voyons partout nous agace!
Vous imposez actuellement des COOKIES sur le WEB pour les utilisateurs de manière honteuse, sans aucun respect de l'opinion et de la liberté individuelle de chacun. Et vous dites que vous les respectez!!!
Vous déclarez que vous souhaitez collecter nos données personnelles pour les utiliser à des fins commerciales et les partager avec de nombreux autres: Partage, échange ou location de nos fichiers avec des partenaires commerciaux 'Vous jonglez entièrement avec nos données. Afin de nous inonder de multiples publicités indésirables et dérangeantes. Mais surtout vous nous interdisez de faire de recherches dont on a besoin. Vous bloquez arbitrairement le WEB. Vous ne nous laissez souvent même pas TOUT REFUSER comme La Loi vous oblige.
Cela devient insupportable!
Vous prenez les consommateurs pour des imbéciles. Les gens sont horrifiés et scandalisés! Ils n’ont pas la possibilité d’échapper à votre
Il est temps de revenir comme avant, c'est-à-dire plus raisonnable, plus respectueux. Il faut respecter RÉELLEMENT la vie privée des gens SVP.
Souvenez-vous du passé quand il n'y avait pas de COOKIES envahissantes comme maintenant, la vie c'était mille fois plus paisible: nous surfions sur les pages d'Internet sans aucune entrave, surfions avec toute la liberté et les plaisirs sans être gênés par personne.
Nous voulons que vous preniez conscience de la gravité du problème et que vous abandonniez définitivement votre politique actuelle de COOKIES qui nous fait perdre toute confiance en Vous!!!
Nous vous rappelons que vous devez observer strictement le Règlement Général de Protection des Données RGPD de l’Union Européenne et que plusieurs Sites comme Vous ont été déjà lourdement condamnés pour ces infractions.
Nous vous remercions sincèrement.
— Tous nos Amis des Réseaux d'Internet doivent réagir contre cette politique Cookies de GOOGLE et des ANNONCEURS. Transmettez ce message partout SVP.
Pour Vous et vos Amis..
Si par hasard, vous avez envie de connaître mieux l’auteur de cette lettre, de passer un petit moment de lecture et de réflexion en voulant chercher un Monde meilleur et à éviter l'éventuelle faillite pour notre pays, Il suffit de le lire ses deux Ebooks:
1/.- NO(s) DETTES ! NO(s) SOUCIS! Contre la Récession.
2/.- Luttons pour Un Monde Meilleur en plusieurs langues
( Dans les Éditions KDP Amazon ou gratuitement sur demande )
Bien Cordialement
Letter to GOOGLE, MICROSOFT, YAHOO, FACEBOOK, APPLE, and all advertiser sites…
You must respect everyone's freedom.
You should not prevent us from reading or looking for what we want
You do not have the right to dispose of our personal data as you see fit.
We are happy to write to you to thank you for your service to us and to all users
Since the beginning of your activities, we have always remained faithful to You. There is no reason to change.
However, in recent times, since you introduced another ubiquitous COOKIES policy on the Internet, it has completely changed our feelings towards you.
This aggressive way of COOKIES that we see everywhere annoys us!
You currently impose COOKIES on the WEB for users in a shameful way, without any respect for the opinion and individual freedom of each. And you say you respect them!!!
You declare that you wish to collect our personal data to use it for commercial purposes and to share it with many others: Sharing, exchanging or renting our files with business partners' You are juggling our data entirely. In order to flood us with multiple unwanted and disturbing advertisements. But above all you forbid us to do any research that we need. You arbitrarily block the WEB. You often don't even let us REJECT EVERYTHING as The Law requires you.
It becomes unbearable!
You take consumers for fools. People are horrified and outraged! They do not have the opportunity to escape your
It is time to come back as before, that is to say more reasonable, more respectful. You have to REALLY respect people's privacy, please.
Remember the past when there were no invasive COOKIES like now, life was a thousand times more peaceful: we surfed the Internet pages without any hindrance, surfed with all the freedom and pleasures without being embarrassed by anyone.
We want you to realize the seriousness of the problem and that you definitively abandon your current COOKIES policy which makes us lose all confidence in You!!!
We remind you that you must strictly observe the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR of the European Union and that several Sites like you have already been heavily condemned for these offenses.
We sincerely thank you.
— All of our Friends of the Internet must react against this Cookies policy of GOOGLE and ADVERTISERS. Please carry this message everywhere.
For You and your Friends..
If by chance, you want to know better the author of this letter, to spend a little moment of reading and reflection by wanting to seek a better world and to avoid the possible bankruptcy for our country, just read it. two Ebooks:
1 /.- NO DEBTS! NO (s) CONCERN! Against the Recession.
2 /.- Let's fight for a Better World in several languages
(In KDP Amazon Editions or free on request)
Best regards