Поиск по тегу «#gis»

HD 00:08:55
ГИС: BIM and GIS Integration: Bringing Together Geospatial Data and Design - видео
Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Geographic Information System (GIS) integration aids in the design of structures and infrastructure by taking into account the site's properties, such as vegetation, contour, wind force, temperature, ...
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HD 00:32:49
ГИС: Практическая часть 1 - Внедрение растра и оцифровка - видео
Внедрение растра и оцифровка#GIS #ГИС #Практика
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HD 00:00:52
ГИС: What is a GIS? - видео
What is a GIS?  Geographic Information Science
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