DevOps, Software Testing & QA
Разработка, DevOps, Software Testing & QA тестирование программ, приложений и технологий.
DATA MINER: Viktor Farcic - Self-Healing Systems
We can think of the whole computer systems like a human body that consist of cells of various types. They can be hardware or software. When they are software units, the smaller they are, the easier it is for them to self-heal, recuperate fr...
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DATA MINER: Vladislav Samoylenko - Avoiding software fails: few metrics to improve application relia
Managing application complexity might be simple and this is all about testing for top performance problems. During my presentation I’d like to share couple of hints, helping to dramatically reduce application (performance) issues. It’s all ...
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DATA MINER: Saulius Valatka - How we learned to love the Data Center Operating System
As packaging applications in containers is becoming more popular the idea of running a data center operating system is starting to make sense — developers produce containers and ship them off without worrying too much where they run. While ...
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DATA MINER: James Letley & Javid Khan - Accelerating innovation through AWS Cloud technology
DevOps Pro Vilnius 2016 -
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DATA MINER: Brandon Weaver - Using Test Automation for Continuous Integration, Delivery and Quality
How to establish and use test automation to drive quality software through all phases, starting at development and working through to your deployment. DevOps Pro Vilnius 2016 -
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DATA MINER: Povilas Daukintis - The Field Guide to Understanding Declarative Systems
In this talk we will take a look at various declarative systems from operations perspective and how it can be used to manage complex systems in non-linear, non-imperative fashion. DevOps Pro Vilnius 2016 -
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DATA MINER: Daniël van Gils - How the hell do I run my microservices in production, and will it scal
Let’s assume you’ve already had every *Docker 101 tutorial* for breakfast. You’re now ready to take that brilliantly crafted application into production. But wait… first you need to test your container-based microservices architecture. What...
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DATA MINER: Stephen Thair - DevOps is the answer! What was the question again?
DevOps is without doubt one of the hottest topics in IT right now, and everyone from vendors, senior management and IT professionals are rushing headlong to “Doing DevOps”. Somewhere along the way the message that DevOps is only a means to ...
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DATA MINER: DevOps Pro Vilnius 2016 Aftermovie
DevOps Pro Vilnius Conference covers the core principles and concepts of the DevOps methodology and demonstrates how to use the most common DevOps patterns to develop, deploy and maintain applications on-premises and in the cloud. The confe...
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