Oracle Helps CERN Use Big Data to Explore the Universe HD

Oracle Helps CERN Use Big Data to Explore the Universe
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Oracle Helps CERN Use Big Data to Explore the Universe.

For more than 35 years, Oracle has helped CERN manage massive amounts of data produced by the Large Hadron Collider & its experiments. This data helps scientists better understand the universe and explore phenomena such as dark energy & dark matter.

ayyappa swami
Software is the key tool to understand the universe. In 2012 CERN discovered Higgs Boson, in 2015 LIGO detects gravitational waves. Both the discoveries wouldn't be possible without software. In both discoveries HTCondor software was used. Oracle now helps to understand the dark mater and dark energy. The more efficient software emerges, the more new discoveries possible.
Oracle Startup for Higher Education
Excellent video. Congrats!
How about you start working on improving the ergonomics of every horrible website you ever build?