C#: C# SlideShow Images by using PictureBox | Show Image Slider in WinForms - видео HD

C#: C# SlideShow Images by using PictureBox | Show Image Slider in WinForms - видео
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C# SlideShow Images by using PictureBox | Show Image Slider in WinForms - видео.

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#Csharp #SlideShow Images by using #PictureBox | Show Image #Slider in #WinForms
In this video, I use a Picturebox and a timer to make and show SlideShow images. I'll write a code in the Tick event of the timer. I will change the ImageLocation of Picturebox in this event.

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Jahid Hasan 4
keep it up
Jahid Hasan 1
sup bro
Clinton Hill
Sohrab Kolsoumi
Thank you!❤
Nasrin Salehnia
Great! Thanks