C#: Why Every Day as a Developer Would Be Easier with F#, by Urs Enzler - видео HD

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Why Every Day as a Developer Would Be Easier with F#, by Urs Enzler - видео.
Those who develop with .NET probably do so with C#. But F#, in particular, has great potential to make daily work easier. Everything that C# can do can also be done with F#, and often in a more lightweight and less error-prone way. If you want to see where the differences are and why F# is a good programming language for normal software development, come to this session! And don't worry, the talk is free of functional programming jargon – I promise!
0:00 — Introduction
1:04 — Simplicity in code
3:13 — Where C# really shines
5:12 — Everything is an expression
10:29 — Equality for free
12:28 — This or that — nothing else
18:23 — Left to right, top to bottom
21:19 — Some F# basics
36:32 — Coding conventions
40:04 — Type inference
42:08 — Experience after 12 months
43:45 — Wrap up
45:12 — Q&A
Speaker: Urs Enzler, Software Architect, Calitime AG
Urs Enzler is a .NET developer since .NET was born. As a software architect, he builds flexible, reliable, and maintainable software together with his team.
Twitter: twitter.com/ursenzler
Blog: www.planetgeek.ch/
Yes I'm a functional kinda guy. I learned to code I Standard ML. But not more than I love Rust just as much. The whole idea about languages like F# is to stop shooting yourself in the foot as much as you possibly can