C#: Why Every Day as a Developer Would Be Easier with F#, by Urs Enzler - видео HD

C#: Why Every Day as a Developer Would Be Easier with F#, by Urs Enzler - видео
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Why Every Day as a Developer Would Be Easier with F#, by Urs Enzler - видео.

Those who develop with .NET probably do so with C#. But F#, in particular, has great potential to make daily work easier. Everything that C# can do can also be done with F#, and often in a more lightweight and less error-prone way. If you want to see where the differences are and why F# is a good programming language for normal software development, come to this session! And don't worry, the talk is free of functional programming jargon – I promise!

0:00 — Introduction
1:04 — Simplicity in code
3:13 — Where C# really shines
5:12 — Everything is an expression
10:29 — Equality for free
12:28 — This or that — nothing else
18:23 — Left to right, top to bottom
21:19 — Some F# basics
36:32 — Coding conventions
40:04 — Type inference
42:08 — Experience after 12 months
43:45 — Wrap up
45:12 — Q&A

Slides: www.dropbox.com/s/203mmhxldm71ryf/Why%20every%20day%20as%20a%20developer%20would%20be%20easier%20with%20F%23.pdf?dl=1

Speaker: Urs Enzler, Software Architect, Calitime AG

Urs Enzler is a .NET developer since .NET was born. As a software architect, he builds flexible, reliable, and maintainable software together with his team.

Twitter: twitter.com/ursenzler
Blog: www.planetgeek.ch/

Very informative video. Might try to learn F# once again.
There is no slow language, only slow developer
Chadius Maximus
Definitely gave me a new perspective on functional languages.
I know it’s a controversial problem here but I have to ask because I have asked myself many times: is F# better than Kotlin?
as a newbie trying to learn a new functional language, when tried fsharp, I became a little frustrated at the compilation times even when using dotnet fsi (I'm a macos user if that matters), as opposed to clojure or even clojure where it's almost instant. Is there a work around?
Kevin Haferkamp
Very good and concise examples. As a Java Developer I am really on fire to dig into F#
kasper madsen
Haven't tried writing low level code in C#. But in C and rust. The F# native is not that hard to use, and it is not that slow. And to top it off, you can actually write imperative code without some dummy class wrapper very where.

Yes I'm a functional kinda guy. I learned to code I Standard ML. But not more than I love Rust just as much. The whole idea about languages like F# is to stop shooting yourself in the foot as much as you possibly can
Ellis Kenyő
For future watchers, F# 6 now supports task computational expressions natively without Ply.
Paul-Sebastian Manole
OMG, Rust seems so much simpler than F# when you look at similar constructs. Simpler to read and understand I mean.
Nick Tech
I can't really understand what was stopping your team from writing a Pipe extension that would hide all those ifs and bake the short curcuit into it