C#: How to Run C# in VSCode (Compile, Debug, and Create a Project) - видео HD

C#: How to Run C# in VSCode (Compile, Debug, and Create a Project) - видео
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How to Run C# in VSCode (Compile, Debug, and Create a Project) - видео.

Are you looking to learn C# but not sure how to run it in VSCode?

Or are you tired of the Visual Studio bloat and want to do your C# or .NET development in a much lighter, Visual Studio Code?

Well, in this video I'll show you, in under 5 minutes, how you can create a project, build, and debug your C# code inside of VSCode using the dotnet CLI.

Hope you enjoy it.

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Hi. Thanks for your video.
I have a question, when I try add new class and dotnet run in terminal but only Program.cs is run.
Could you tell me how can I change cs file what dotnet run?
Zed Shockblade
How about prettier? does it work with c#?
John Dave Brigoli
hello bro, after i press generate assests build and debug it says unable, omnisharp server is not running..i hope you can help me <3 thank you