C#: What’s New in TeamCity 2020.2 - видео HD

C#: What’s New in TeamCity 2020.2 - видео
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What’s New in TeamCity 2020.2 - видео.

Interested in the new and exciting features of TeamCity 2020.2? Join Marco Behler, our Developer Advocate, for this live demo to learn all about them!

In this hands-on webinar, you will see:

0:57 External Logins (GitHub,m GitLab, Bitbucket Cloud etc.)
2:25 How to get more out of your agents with agentless build steps.
10:21 Self-Expiring Access Tokens
12:09 Updates to the new Sakura UI, such as the new Build Dependencies view, the Test History page, search in build log, and the Build Queue page.
17:04 What TeamCity now offers for working with Bitbucket Cloud pull requests.
20:33 How to send the status of your builds to JetBrains Space with the Commit Status Publisher.
25:30 The .NET 5 support in the recently released .NET runner.
42:39 How to use the brand-new Python build runner to build your Python projects.
57:25 Overview Of All The Features

Marco Behler

Marco works as a developer advocate at JetBrains, in Munich, Germany. He loves to share everything he knows about writing and building awesome software — knowledge he acquired from a decade of consulting in the Java and Spring ecosystems — through guides, tweets, books and talks.

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