Java: Making My First Game - Java, LibGDX and Inkscape - видео HD

Java: Making My First Game - Java, LibGDX and Inkscape - видео
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Making My First Game - Java, LibGDX and Inkscape - видео.

Hi Guys, this is the first of a serie of videos that I'll be posting here about the development process of my first game. I'm developing this game using Java as the programming language, LibGDX as the framework and Inskcape to make the assets. I hope you guys like it :)).Youtube channel that I post my musics, covers and
Indrajit Patil
Nice bro
Do you know the difference between libgdx and javafx? I'm also starting to mess around with making games with java and I don't know where to start… Also what's that ide you're using? Can't recognize it. Noice to hear that you can make your own music too. You'll be able to compose exactly what you want instead of being like me having to rely on royalty free music which I'm sure won't be exactly what i want.