Java: Make a Simple HTTP Server in Java - Java Tutorial - Part 5: Parsing Requests - видео HD

Java: Make a Simple HTTP Server in Java - Java Tutorial - Part 5: Parsing Requests - видео
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Make a Simple HTTP Server in Java - Java Tutorial - Part 5: Parsing Requests - видео.

On the fifth part we will be looking at the RFCs that specify the HTTP Protocol, analyse how we are going to start parsing the requests, and get everything ready for the parsing. This part is a little bit heavier on theory and creating a strategy to tackle this task.Shout-out to @Neagu Andrei for pointing out an error with the previous videos!LINKS: — GITHUB: — RFC 7230: — RFC 7231: — RFC 7232: Tutorial showing you how to create a Simple HTTP Server from scratch in Java.Have you ever wondered how an HTTP Server works or though about making one but didn't know where to start? Look no further! In this tutorial series we'll be going through the motions and making one from scratch. We'll be using:- IntelliJ Community Edition to code with: Maven to manage our dependencies:
bhaisa kaal
when will part6 come out? and what are the total part contains that playlist?
Steffen König
This is really great! Keep up the awesome work!
Mohammad Salman
Hi sir!

How to use «multiple webroots»,
for eg)

Amit Vashishth
Java server socket are not working outside my LAN. Please suggest a solution.
Nazem EM
Thank you so much for this series and i'm waiting for part 6.
Can you tell me how did you learn to write clean code? does it come from experience or did you learn software architecture?
George Mekhael
This series is amazing, i'm learning so much, hope it doesn't stop here, I also have a question. In this series we're accessing the localhost:8080 directory to load up our server, but how would we access localhost/8080/AnotherDirectory for example. Sorry if my question isn't clear, but thank you so much for your hard work, these tutorials are amazing, thank you again
Calum B
All parts of this tutorial are excellent, it's a pity it is unfinished.
Paul Reisenberg
pelase upload the next Tutorial!
Mohsen Rezaei
is this the finish part?
Jiaqi Liu
I REALLY LOVE this series. Your code and explanation makes the entire concept very clear. Can't wait for part 6!!! :)