CRM: CRM Problem 2 - видео HD

CRM: CRM Problem 2 - видео
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nur zafirah
Colleen — With the advantages that technology gives to a mall, does that mean traditional methods are not effective and not made use of? Why or why is it not effective anymore?

Jing Yang — Which service and product need do you think is the most important to a customer, why?
Cassandra See
Jing Yang — You did not mention who are the customers of a mall. So who do you think are the customers of a mall and how can they be classified? Also, what are the needs of each category of customers after you have classified them?

Colleen — You mentioned improve lines of communication as one of the ways technology can be used to enhance customer experience. Are there any examples of malls that have used it and how do they use it to enhance the customer experience?
Charmaine Guey
Kah Lun- can you give a specific example of a shopping mall department that adds value to customer service.
Zoven- can you give an example of how shopping malls manage their feedbacks as you have given an airlines example.
Colin Chee
Kah Lun- What would happen if the maintainence department does not do their job well and how would this affect the shoppers and traffic of the mall.

Zoven- How would u make people give feedbacks. Many customers would not be proactive in giving feedbacks.