Softline / Видео / New video (ENG)
Softline: About Softline - видео
Softline is a leading global solutions and services provider in digital transformation and cybersecurity, headquartered in London. The company enables, facilitates and accelerates digital transformation for its customers’ businesses, connec...
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Softline: Softline 2022 - видео
Softline is a leading global solutions and services provider in digital transformation and cybersecurity, headquartered in London. The company enables, facilitates and accelerates digital transformation for its customers’ businesses, connec...
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Softline: “If you are doing something, you must be the leader” at it, Igor Borovikov, Softline’s Fou
“If you are doing something, you must be the leader” at it, Igor Borovikov, Softline’s Founder and Chairman of the Board. We welcome you all to watch this interview led by the London Stock Exchange with our own Founder and Chairman, Igor ...
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Softline: Softline IPO - видео
When we started Softline Group 30 years ago, we were a ten-person team, dreaming of $1-2 million in turnover. Softline is a publicly listed company at the London Stock Exchange. We understand that with this step comes a great deal of respon...
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Softline: About Softline - видео
Softline facilitates digital transformation and cybersecurity services to customers from 50+ countries and in 95+ cities around the world. Our 2400+ client managers and 1000+ technical product and service specialists, engage with our client...
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Softline: AEC Collection Infrastructure Workflow Video Road Highway
Softline – международная компания в сфере лицензирования программного обеспечения и оказания полного спектра ИТ-услуг по обучению, консалтингу, технической и юридической поддержкам, ИТ-аутсорсингу.
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Softline: Sergio Klarreich, Softline Group’s CTO. The Transformation of business processes with Tech
Several years of projects, conversations, and customer engagements have helped me formulate what I believe to be the simplest, yet most powerful definition of Digital Transformation: “the Transformation of business processes with Technology...
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Softline: Мечтайте о большем с Adobe Creative Cloud for Teams
Softline – международная компания в сфере лицензирования программного обеспечения и оказания полного спектра ИТ-услуг по обучению, консалтингу, технической и юридической поддержкам, ИТ-аутсорсингу.
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Softline: Republic Data Centert
Softline – международная компания в сфере лицензирования программного обеспечения и оказания полного спектра ИТ-услуг по обучению, консалтингу, технической и юридической поддержкам, ИТ-аутсорсингу.
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