Поиск по тегу «dotnet6»
HD 00:02:02
C#: #13 - Running Specflow Scenario for Playwright with C# .NET - видео
In this video, we will discuss running the Specflow Scenario Step definition implementation for Playwright with C# .NET ► [Playwright .NET] https://playwright.dev/dotnet/ ► [Advanced course] https://www.udemy.com/course/e2e-playwright/ ► ...
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HD 00:11:15
C#: #5 - Auto-Waiting mechanism in Playwright with C# .NET - видео
In this video, we will discuss the working Auto-Waiting mechanism of Playwright with C# .NET and how the actionability and retry-ability mechanism works.The course also available at @Execute Automation Academy https://academy.executeautomat...
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