Diasoft / Видео / New video (ENG)

HD 00:03:12
Диасофт: Diasoft Customer Screening
Компания «» работает на рынке автоматизации финансовых институтов с 1991 года. Сегодня компания является крупнейшим российским поставщиком современных ИТ-решений для всех направлений бизнеса кредитно-финансовых организаций и предлагает...
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HD 00:08:45
Диасофт: FLEXTERA Credit Workflow for Seamless Customer Experience
FLEXTERA Credit Workflow is a complex suite of software components designed to support all steps of the loan origination process both for corporate and individual customers.
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HD 00:06:01
Диасофт: Core System Reimagining: The International Investment Bank and Diasoft's Experience
The International Investment Bank reimagined its entire infrastructure with the next generation core banking solution FLEXTERA by Diasoft in order to transform into a modern development bank of the international level and ensure its interna...
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