/ Видео

HD 00:55:11
Поиск в СЭД? Элементарно, Ватсон! Practicum DIRECTUM
Знания о разных инструментах и механизмах системы с уверенностью позволяют говорить, что сделать поиск в СЭД элементарным – реально. В вебинаре DIRECTUM мы показали: ● чем и почему поиск в СЭД отличается от поиска в интернете; ● какой спосо...
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HD 01:10:04
Обмен учетными документами без конвертов и курьеров. Practicum DIRECTUM
Сотрудники многих компаний уже привыкли работать с внутренними электронными документами в корпоративных информационных системах. И с каждым днем повышают свои требования к функционалу используемых решений. Можно ли обмениваться «первичкой» ...
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HD 00:02:58
Управление договорами DIRECTUM 5.0
Посмотрите, как система DIRECTUM помогает на всех этапах работы с договорами. Версия DIRECTUM: 5.0 Узнайте больше о возможностях системы здесь:
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Check Point: Global TV Interviews Kellman Meghu
Software Technologies Ltd. — крупнейший в мире поставщик в области безопасности. Компания предлагает покупателям ведущие в индустрии решения и защищает покупателей от кибератак с непревзойденным уровнем успешного обнаружения вре...
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Check Point: Sky News Interview with Kurt Hansen
Software Technologies Ltd. — крупнейший в мире поставщик в области безопасности. Компания предлагает покупателям ведущие в индустрии решения и защищает покупателей от кибератак с непревзойденным уровнем успешного обнаружения вре...
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HD 00:06:29
Check Point: Globb TV interview: Amnon Bar-Lev
President Amnon Bar-Lev discusses the big business of today’s cybercrimes
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HD 00:04:01
Развитие информационного общества в Омской области
Электронное правительство и единое информационное пространство позволят экономить время, забыть об очередях и повысить лояльность граждан.
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HD 00:02:39
Check Point: Threat Intelligence | Threat Prevention
Learn More: In 2012, established ThreatCloud, the first collaborative security infrastructure to fight cybercrime. ThreatCloud dynamically reinforces Threat Prevention Software Blades with real-time threat intelligence derived from res...
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HD 00:01:58
Check Point: Threat Prevention: Receives Top Marks For Zero-Day Malware Block Rates
In a world of ever-changing cyber threats, organizations are facing the unprecedented growth of unknown malware. These attacks focus on stealing data, sabotaging business continuity, or damaging a company’s reputation. To protect against th...
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HD 00:01:47
1С-Рарус:МФО, редакция 1. Часть 7: Управление рассылками
1С-Рарус:Микрофинансовая организация, редакция 1 Продажа, поддержка, демо-доступ, обучение: • +7 (495) 231-20-02, доб.33-01 • •
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HD 00:03:58
Канцелярия DIRECTUM 5.0
Модуль Канцелярия стал еще проще и эффективней. DIRECTUM покажет, как перевести бумажную работу канцелярии в электронную форму с соблюдением требований российского делопроизводства. Версия DIRECTUM: 5.0 Узнайте больше о возможностях систем...
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HD 00:05:29
Управление электронными документами DIRECTUM 5.0
Если вы только начинаете работать в системе или хотите помочь своим коллегам без труда справляться с основными функциями, используйте наш ролик. Оцените удобство работы с электронными документами в DIRECTUM. Версия DIRECTUM: 5.0 Узнайте б...
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HD 00:01:56
Check Point: Partner Insights: Nathan Browne, Director of Technical Services, Access IT Group
Find out more: Access IT Group's director of technical services Nathan Browne says Software-defined Protection (SDP) protects against non-previously planned for threats. Watch for more on Nathan's thoughts about SDP and what it means fo...
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Check Point: Customer Success: The University of Liege Uses To Boost Network Security
The University of Liege in Belgium selects to help mitigate security issues around areas like BYOD and the increasing need for bandwidth. With 's 12600s and 12200s appliances in the data center and 2200s for its branch locations, the Univ...
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HD 00:04:32
DOCFLOW 2014. Крупнейшая конференция-выставка по управлению контентом
Юбилейная, двадцатая выставка DOCFLOW. DIRECTUM по традиции генеральный спонсор и активный участник мероприятия.
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Check Point: Tackling a Complex Threat Landscape with Software-defined Protection
Description: In this 30-minute webinar we'll examine software-defined protection (SDP). This new architecture addresses today's security challenges by providing operational resilience and real-time, proactive protection. You'll learn: • ...
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HD 00:23:12
Галактика: Возможности системы «Галактика Расписание учебных занятий»
Видеодемонстрация основных функциональных возможностей системы «Галактика Расписание учебных занятий»
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HD 00:04:19
Check Point: Analyst, Third Party Testing Validations 2014
Learn More: is excited to have received top awards from respected industry sources and certification bodies for its Next Generation Firewall, IPS and Threat Prevention Appliance products.
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HD 00:01:06
Check Point: Customer Insights -- Joseph Royal, Leidos
Find out more: speaks with customers and partners at RSA Conference 2014 in San Francisco. Watch as Joseph Royal of Leidos shares what makes him a fan.
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HD 00:01:28
Check Point: RSA Conference 2014 - Partner Insights -- Shannon Rodelander, X-Series Sales Rep., Blue
Find out more: speaks with customers and partners at RSA Conference 2014 in San Francisco. Watch as Shannon Rodelander of Blue Coat Systems speaks about issues like Cloud Security and Cost of Performance affecting her customers. She a...
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HD 00:01:32
Check Point: RSA Conference 2014 - Customer Insights -- Jaime Lopez, Director of IS, Verisight, Inc.
Find out more: speaks with customers and partners at RSA Conference 2014 in San Francisco. Watch as Jaime Lopez of Verisight, Inc. shares what makes him a fan.
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HD 00:01:04
Check Point: RSA Conference 2014 - Partner Insights -- Christina Ebert, Business Development Manager
Find out more: speaks with customers and partners at RSA Conference 2014 in San Francisco. Watch as Christina Ebert of Avnet shares her thoughts about distribution and mobility as major issues her customers are facing. She also shares...
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HD 00:01:12
Check Point: RSA Conference 2014 - Customer Insights -- Greg Evilsizer, Sr. Networking Spec., Contra
Find out more: speaks with customers and partners at RSA Conference 2014 in San Francisco. Watch as Greg Evilsizer of Contra Costa Community College District shares what makes him a fan.
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HD 00:00:48
Check Point: RSA Conference 2014 - Partner Insights -- Carlos Olivera, Account Executive, FishNet Se
Find out more: speaks with customers and partners at RSA Conference 2014 in San Francisco. Watch as Carlos Olivera of FishNet Security explains why he's is a fan.
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HD 00:01:50
Check Point: RSA Conference 2014 - Customer Insights -- Ted Toribio, System Software Specialist, CA
Find out more: speaks with customers and partners at RSA Conference 2014 in San Francisco. Watch as Ted Toribio of California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) explains why he's a fan.
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HD 00:01:17
Check Point: Partner Insights -- Jason Lawrence, Sr. Network Security Advisor, Dataway
Find out more: speaks with customers and partners at RSA Conference 2014 in San Francisco. Watch as Jason Lawrence of Dataway shares insights about 's model of annualized service behind its software blade architecture as well as 's cen...
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HD 00:01:27
Check Point: RSA Conference 2014 - Partner Insights -- Heather Zalatimo, Sr. Network Administrator,
Find out more: speaks with customers and partners at RSA Conference 2014 in San Francisco. Watch as Heather Zalatimo of Dataway shares her thoughts about 's superior management capabilities and what makes her a fan.
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HD 00:01:53
Check Point: Customer Insights -- Michael Wood, HP Enterprise Services
Find out more: speaks with customers and partners at RSA Conference 2014 in San Francisco. Watch as Michael Wood of HP Enterprise Services shares what makes him a fan.
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HD 00:01:14
Check Point: RSA Conference 2014 - Partner Insights -- Ron Steffen, Vice President of Sales, Sharper
Find out more: speaks with customers and partners at RSA Conference 2014 in San Francisco. Watch as Ron Steffen of Sharper Technology shares why he's is a fan.
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HD 00:01:12
Check Point: RSA Conference 2014 - Customer Insights -- Leon Johnson, CISO, Securities America, Inc.
Find out more: speaks with customers and partners at RSA Conference 2014 in San Francisco. Watch as Leon Johnson of Securities America, Inc. speaks about the critical need to secure data in the financial industry and how integrates di...
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