Поиск по тегу «iaas security» в разделе Видеокаталог

HD 00:30:26
Check Point: Who's Responsible for your Cloud Security?
A full breakdown of what is shared responsibility and the layers of security needed to protect you from security breaches in the cloud. For more information:
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HD 01:04:31
Check Point: Webinar replay – Auto-scale advanced security for Microsoft Azure
For more information visit: Webinar replay - hear from customer George Dialectakis, IT Consultant at Eversource Energy, on how they leverage CloudGuard IaaS advanced threat prevention security for their Microsoft Azure cloud environme...
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HD 00:05:08
Check Point: Advanced Cloud Security - CloudGuard Overview
For more information visit on advanced cloud security solutions visit, Discover CloudGuard, 's advanced cloud security solution. The cloud enables business benefits like agile computing and elastic scalability, but also introduces new clou...
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