Поиск по тегу «devopsprovilnius» в разделе Видеокаталог

HD 00:41:29
DATA MINER: Vladislavas Petkevič, Olegas Domanskis - Microsoft System Center Orchestrator Simplified
IT administrators perform many tasks and procedures to keep the health of their computing environment up-to-date and their business running. Automating IT processes and tasks saves time and effort, reduces the number of manual and error-pro...
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HD 00:39:49
DATA MINER: Viktor Farcic - Self-Healing Systems
We can think of the whole computer systems like a human body that consist of cells of various types. They can be hardware or software. When they are software units, the smaller they are, the easier it is for them to self-heal, recuperate fr...
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HD 00:33:35
DATA MINER: Brandon Weaver - Using Test Automation for Continuous Integration, Delivery and Quality
How to establish and use test automation to drive quality software through all phases, starting at development and working through to your deployment. DevOps Pro Vilnius 2016 -
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