Поиск по тегу «cyber security trends» в разделе Видеокаталог

HD 00:21:03
Check Point: Cyber Security Trends, Jeff Schwartz - CPX 360 2018, Why Our Security Problems are Gett
Security spending is up 8% year over year, yet security incidents are up ~40%. Why does the security "ball of yarn" continue to unravel as we pull the string. In this session, you will learn why our security problems continue to get worse ...
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HD 00:21:59
Check Point: Cyber Security Trends: Thierry Karsenti - CPX 360 2018
Security spending is up 8% year over year, yet security incidents are up ~40%. Why does the security "ball of yarn" continue to unravel as we pull the string. In this session, you will learn why our security problems continue to get worse ...
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