Поиск по тегу «2016» в разделе Видеокаталог

HD 00:03:52
Единый семинар 1С в Челябинске (2016 г.)
Масштабное событие для бухгалтеров и руководителей в Челябинске. Актуальные новости, изменения в законодательстве, советы. Следите за расписанием семинаров на нашем сайте
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HD 00:01:46
SFA 2016: Samsung Electronics
Лариса Петрова, Key Account Manager Samsung Electronics: «Мы очень рады быть причастными к вашим ежегодным конференциям. Мы видим и динамичное развитие «Системных Технологий» и позитивный отклик от наших общих клиентов, которых становится в...
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HD 00:02:58
Мастерхост на RIW 2016
Ранее компания .masterhost стала участником одного из главных событий Рунета – Russian Interactive Week 2016. Теперь мы рады поделиться с Вами видео о том, как проходило мероприятие:
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HD 00:40:26
DATA MINER: Carlos Sanchez - From Monolith to Docker Distributed Applications
Docker is revolutionizing the way people think about applications and deployments. It provides a simple way to run and distribute Linux containers for a variety of use cases, from lightweight virtual machines to complex distributed micro-se...
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HD 00:30:03
DATA MINER: Vladislav Samoylenko - Avoiding software fails: few metrics to improve application relia
Managing application complexity might be simple and this is all about testing for top performance problems. During my presentation I’d like to share couple of hints, helping to dramatically reduce application (performance) issues. It’s all ...
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HD 00:38:09
DATA MINER: James Letley & Javid Khan - Accelerating innovation through AWS Cloud technology
DevOps Pro Vilnius 2016 -
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HD 00:33:35
DATA MINER: Brandon Weaver - Using Test Automation for Continuous Integration, Delivery and Quality
How to establish and use test automation to drive quality software through all phases, starting at development and working through to your deployment. DevOps Pro Vilnius 2016 -
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HD 00:27:35
DATA MINER: Daniël van Gils - How the hell do I run my microservices in production, and will it scal
Let’s assume you’ve already had every *Docker 101 tutorial* for breakfast. You’re now ready to take that brilliantly crafted application into production. But wait… first you need to test your container-based microservices architecture. What...
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HD 00:02:43
Check Point: Introduces Next-Generation Threat Prevention Appliances | Advanced Threat Prevention
Introducing the next-generation of appliances designed to unleash the full power of advanced threat prevention security for businesses of all sizes. For more information visit: Gen V Cyber Security is here: Infinity is the first conso...
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HD 00:01:46
Check Point: RSA 2016: Day 1 - Software
For more information visit: An overview of RSA 2016, Day 1 with Software.
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HD 00:03:39
12-й Партнерский форум DIRECTUM (2016)
С 11 по 13 февраля в культурной столице России - Санкт-Петербурге - прошел 12-ый Партнерский форум DIRECTUM 2016.
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