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Компания КРОК — российский лидер в области создания ИТ-инфраструктур, №1 в России по услугам системной интеграции (отчеты IDC за 2002-2010 гг).

In English

6 роликов 1297 просмотров обновлен 3 года назад Поделиться
HD 00:10:44
CROC General Presentation
The presentation provides an overview of CROC, the number one IT infrastructure creation company in Russia (IDC reports, 2002-2013). CROC is the 5th largest IT company in Russia (RIA Rating, 2013), the 3rd largest consulting business (Exper...
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CROC's Kompressor Data Center
Kompressor Data Center is CROC's largest commercial data center in Moscow, Russia. CROC provides a wide range of outsourcing services (including colocation, public clouds, and infrastructure outsourcing) based on this data center. Kompres...
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HD 00:40:20
Test Drive – Flash Memory in Servers: It Works as Fast as a Flash
Presentation – Flash Memory in Servers: It Works as Fast as a Flash by Vadim Bolotnov, Solutions Promotion Manager with CROC's Computer Systems Department
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HD 00:24:59
Webinar – Open-source: Optimizing Spending on Infrastructure. Part 2
Opensource: Optimizing Spending on Infrastructure by Roman Baranov, Head of the Analytics & Big Data, CROC,, and Andrei Mrachkovski, Systems Engineer with CROC's Computer Systems Department
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HD 00:21:17
Webinar – VDI. Project Success Factors, Part 2
Presentation – VDI. Project Success Factors. Engineering aspects by Igor Bonev, CROC's Technical Manager
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HD 00:14:15
Test Drive – STOP! Private Area of an IT Infrastructure
Presentation – Main Trends of the Cloud Market by Maxim Berezin, Head of CROC's Virtual Data Center
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