Check Point: Cloud Security - VMware & CloudGuard - CPX 360 2018 HD

Check Point: Cloud Security - VMware & CloudGuard - CPX 360 2018
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Компания Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. — мировой поставщик решений в области обеспечения интернет-безопасности, единственный поставщик средств обеспечения полной безопасности Total Security для сетей, данных и конечных узлов, объединенных единой средой управления.

Cloud Security - VMware & CloudGuard - CPX 360 2018.

Businesses that use the public cloud are vulnerable to cyber threats. Learn how to close the security gaps in the cloud.Public and hybrid cloud adoption is exploding among enterprises, but so are cloud hacks and breaches. 

Cloud assets are at risk from the same types of threats targeting physical networks. What's more, cybercriminals are using increasingly automated and sophisticated techniques to target and penetrate cloud environments. 

Cloud-enabled businesses need to understand where they are vulnerable and how to leverage advanced threat prevention security to keep their cloud assets protected.Join us for a thought provoking session to gain practical knowledge of not only the risks but also how to close your security gaps in the cloud.For information:

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