Поиск по тегу «vilnius» в разделе Видеокаталог

HD 00:31:03
DATA MINER: Vaidas Pilkauskas - Can You Trust Your Tests?
TestCon Vilnius 2016. Software Testing & QA Conference. October 21, 2016 | Nobody argues these days that unit tests are useful and provide valuable feedback about your code. But who watches the watchmen? Or, in other words, who is testin...
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HD 00:32:47
DATA MINER: Ewald Roodenrijs - The Real Cloud Testing Story
TestCon Vilnius 2016. Software Testing & QA Conference. October 21, 2016 | The growth of cloud based computing has outstripped even the most optimistic predictions. That growth is based on a compelling value proposition: speed to market,...
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HD 00:38:09
DATA MINER: James Letley & Javid Khan - Accelerating innovation through AWS Cloud technology
DevOps Pro Vilnius 2016 -
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HD 00:33:35
DATA MINER: Brandon Weaver - Using Test Automation for Continuous Integration, Delivery and Quality
How to establish and use test automation to drive quality software through all phases, starting at development and working through to your deployment. DevOps Pro Vilnius 2016 -
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HD 00:02:21
DATA MINER: DevOps Pro Vilnius 2016 Aftermovie
DevOps Pro Vilnius Conference covers the core principles and concepts of the DevOps methodology and demonstrates how to use the most common DevOps patterns to develop, deploy and maintain applications on-premises and in the cloud. The confe...
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