Поиск по тегу «software blade» в разделе Видеокаталог

HD 00:02:38
Check Point: Your Second Pair of Eyes - Compliance Software Blade | Network Security
For more information: Keeping a close eye on security and compliance is a challenging task. The Compliance Software Blade can be your second pair of eyes to constantly monitor your security status, save time in preparing audits and compl...
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HD 00:03:11
Check Point: Choose the Right Next Generation Firewall - Multi-Layer Security
Why Multi-Layer Security and how 's Software Blade Architecture is the most secure and scalable solution in this market. For more information: provides organizations of all sizes with the latest data and network security protection in a...
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HD 00:03:11
Check Point: Choose the Right Next Generation Firewall - Multi-Layer Security
Why Multi-Layer Security and how 's Software Blade Architecture is the most secure and scalable solution in this market. For more information: provides organizations of all sizes with the latest data and network security protection in a...
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HD 00:07:07
Check Point: Compliance Software Blade Demonstration
Introduction and overview to the Compliance Software Blade and its features and functions.For more information: The Compliance Software Blade monitors your management, Software Blades and security gateways to constantly validate that you...
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HD 00:02:00
Check Point: Anti-Bot Protection | IoT| Network Security
A bot is malicious software that allows cyber criminals to remotely control computers and execute illegal activities such as stealing data, spreading spam and distributing malware. More information: Anti-Bot security software detects bot...
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HD 00:03:18
Check Point: Advanced Network Security: New Anti-Bot Software Blade
Infinity is the first consolidated security across networks, cloud and mobile, providing the highest level of threat prevention. More information: provides organizations of all sizes with the latest data and network security protection i...
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