Поиск по тегу «gaming» в разделе Видеокаталог

HD 00:05:36
CNET: The Teslasuit literally shocked me | Beta Test
It's a haptic, full-body suit that lets you feel the force in VR. And it hurts!
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HD 00:07:30
CNET: Sony PlayStation Classic first look: It's good, but not great
What you see is what you get: Sony’s throwback console is a window to PlayStation’s past, but it holds absolutely no surprises. Read the CNET Editors Take: Sony's PlayStation Classic is an incomplete reflection of the 32-bit era - http...
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HD 00:33:44
DATA MINER: Nicholas Hjelmberg - Learning testing through gaming
TestCon Vilnius 2016. Software Testing & QA Conference. October 21, 2016 | Gamification and board games are two emergent trends. Both appeal to the human curiousity to explore and discover. Testing is also about exploring and discovering...
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