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HD 00:08:54
C#: istty in golang - видео
In this video I write a function to check if given file descriptor is terminal or not. If you have any feedback / question do not hesitate to write. Updated source code: https://github.com/alievako/golang_tutorial/blob/main/main.go
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HD 00:10:45
Java: Which is better C# or Java? - видео
In "Which is better C# or Java?" I answer a question. You can find questions here: https://github.com/fChristenson/My-life-as-a-programmer https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBAZWBMYeVYjXogYQDd1rwVI0c5YoioqU
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HD 00:06:13
Java: Making My First Game - Java, LibGDX and Inkscape - видео
Hi Guys, this is the first of a serie of videos that I'll be posting here about the development process of my first game. I'm developing this game using Java as the programming language, LibGDX as the framework and Inskcape to make the asse...
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