АСУ ТП: Experience the creation of a cybersecurity monitoring system for an industrial company - вид HD

АСУ ТП: Experience the creation of a cybersecurity monitoring system for an industrial company - вид

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Experience the creation of a cybersecurity monitoring system for an industrial company - вид.

The talk by Nikolay Domukhovsky, Deputy CEO, USSC, at Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity Conference 2019. He talks in detail about the cybersecurity monitoring system, explains how to measure cybersecurity, what metrics to use and what to do with the results in ICS.Watch the slides: ics.kaspersky.com/media/ics-conference-2019/07-Nikolay-Domukhovsky-Sistema-monitoringa-IB-promyshlennogo-predpriyatiya.-Opyt-sozdaniya.pdfLearn more: ics.kaspersky.com/conference/#KasperskyICS #ICS #kaspersky #cybersecurity #ITsecurity
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